Help keep Little Green Man from Mars up and running. If you appreciate all the anecdotes, stories, videos and commentary you can read here and on his other eight blogs, then support the author by purchasing one of his books. Little Green Man, Baby Boomer Boy, Fred Fortune, Jonco Bugos, Mike the Obscure and Michael Casher thank you for your patronage.
Author's Note 12-27-12: The book covers in this flash image were replaced by new covers in 2012. Additionally, I kept this post as a piece of online history, even though its contents are no longer relevant, because this blog is now part of a book. Go here for an explanation about why this post is no longer relevant and why Michael Casher no longer blogs on a regular basis and why he no longer writes this blog. That's right, supporting your local blogger is a moot point now. Too bad. It could have been a lot of fun.